Jan’s Essay

about Audiofile

I wasn’t really looking for a replacement for my current speaker cable, but after a recent change in my setup, I was somewhat intrigued by a post on the Audiofile website in ’s Gravenmoer.

I had visited this audio specialist before when I was searching for a streamer that would fit well within my setup (and budget) in terms of sound. It turned out to be a very pleasant orientation and purchasing experience! So, off I went again to visit Michel Keyner, who now runs “Audiofile” in ’s Gravenmoer with his wife Daniëlla.

The recognition was immediate, and the reception was just as warm as the previous time, almost as if no time had passed. I went there with my wife, and it turned into a very informal and enjoyable visit—informative and enlightening, without ever feeling like you were being pressured into making a purchase.

Quite the opposite! As a “dedicated audiophile,” you’re often not immune to a certain degree of G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome)…. Michel knows how to reset you, putting both feet back on the ground.

The “Sensible” method

Michel has extensive knowledge of the “house sound” of many brands on the market, how they compare to each other, and the sound structure of individual products within a specific range. He has mastered the art of matching these sound characteristics to your personal sound preference(s).

If you’ve never really given this much thought, you’ll quickly and accurately discover it here through the “Sensible Method.” In a sort of interview, precise questions reveal which “preference quadrant” you fall into. It’s a completely unique and personal approach—check out their detailed website for more info. This is definitely not hocus-pocus!

It might even turn out that a lower (read: more affordable) version of your initially intended choice is the better option thanks to these insights—hence the “resetting to zero” process.

The end result: I left with my chosen speaker cable plus an alternative to try out at home.

Totally different approach

Another unique aspect: after the always warm welcome, you’re immediately invited into their personal domain, where all this amazing audio equipment and expertise are simply “in-house.” And I mean that literally—this isn’t a store attached to a house; it’s in their home. There’s no traditional store layout with listening rooms that bear no resemblance to the reality of your home. Instead, you’ll find cozy rooms where the equipment is set up just as you would arrange it at home!

I get that this review might read a bit like a polished script for a brochure—but trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. Everything I’m saying here is 100% sincere! Michel and Daniëlla are simply two passionate, no-nonsense people with a completely different approach from what you’re used to in the audio world—in the best way possible!

And… I’m now the proud owner of a stunning set of speaker cables that match my setup perfectly!

Jan, a happy (audio) camper