Odd one out?

Yearbook Hifi.nl

Persistent as we are, rolling out our business strategy is a given, but staying true to what you stand for as a company can sometimes be a challenge.

Over the past year, our steadfastness in our philosophy has been tested more than once:
“Who would want to do a hearing analysis with you? No one is waiting for that!
“Pfff… Sunday Solo Shows? No one is going to show up for that!”
“Your ads are way too service-oriented; you’re supposed to be selling products, right?”

Alongside positive feedback, we have also received comments that, quite frankly, could make us feel a little uncertain. After all, behind Audiofile are just two people, who, like anyone else, are only human. And yes, sometimes we do feel like the odd one out.

Gesture of Understanding

We were pleasantly surprised when, at the end of last year, we were approached by hifi.nl about placing an advertisement in their yearbook. There was nothing unusual about that—we are an audio store, after all. However, the reason for their contact turned out to be far more meaningful.

“We’re kind of done with all those product ads; wouldn’t you rather advertise one of your services?”

A statement from the other end of the line that left us momentarily speechless. Us… Audiofile… with all those services (that supposedly no one is waiting for?)… on the coveted back cover of the hifi.nl yearbook?

We couldn’t have imagined a better way to close out 2024: a gesture of understanding for our philosophy.

Nothing Left to Chance

To conclude, and let’s make this crystal clear:

Every single day at Audiofile revolves around our payoff, ‘Sensible Audio’, and nothing—absolutely nothing—is left to chance. Proud and motivated, we continue to roll out our range of concepts, despite the frequent challenges.

‘Sensible Audio’: rationally navigating the path towards the ultimate emotion.

For us, it’s a given. And hopefully, in 2025, it will be for you as well.

— Michel & Daniëlla —