Binnen het uitgebreide Egglestonworks pakket ‘pichen’ we vooral op de modellen Diane Signature, Andra III en Isabel Signature. Laatsgenoemde heeft weliswaar dezelfde afmetingen als de Diane Signature, maar vanwege het gebruik van andere (betere) units en ander filter is het klankkarakter van de Isabel het best te omschrijven als meer highend-genot. Wat betekent dit? Daar waar de Diane mild is mbt de gekozen versterker, laat de Isabel meer horen…van zowel de opname als de rest van uw audioketen. Of anders geplaatst: een Isabel moet duidelijker en kritischer ingeslepen worden in de set. Hert evidente resultaat is dan een hoger niveau in echtheid en snelheid van vocals en instrumenten.
Tekst van de Egglestonworks website:
The Isabel Signature is a compact, floor-standing speaker with the balance bass response and pinpoint imaging of a much more expensive product. Though the Isabel Signature is not an entry-level speaker, it can more easily fit into smaller rooms or in situations where placing speakers closer to walls or each other is necessary.
The Isabel Signature introduces music lovers to what has been called the EgglestonWorks “house sound”. We take this as a compliment as one of our main goals as a company is to provide a series of products that are familiar in there musical essence. The Isabel Signature is a small speaker that is capable of producing a large soundstage with accuracy and airiness that rivals products twice its size.In his review (here), Tom Lyle of Enjoy the Music says of the Isabel Signature, “even right out of the box they were mighty impressive sounding. This was not only because of their deep bass response, but their transparent midrange, sparkling and natural treble, pin-point imaging, and huge soundstage.”