Offering unique services…


Audiofile disclaimer: “Why are we introducing unique services?

Let’s not beat about the bush. Audiofile has the ambition to become the most value-adding audio store in the Netherlands. And actually, even bigger than that. The last bit of ambition (and perhaps last bit of self-knowledge) is still holding us back here.

Please note: most value-adding does not automatically mean being the largest, or generating the highest turnover. If so, then that would only be the result of the sum of all delivered value-adds.

It means that Audiofile wants to create real value, in the eyes of the (soon to be) customer. Value that was not there before, and now is. And now that the value is there, the customer experiences more benefits in terms of, among other things, their own knowledge, skills, convenience, pleasure, savings and audiophile peace.

          “…That’s our view on adding value…”

And through this value adding we wish to earn our money. It should just be enough to be able to do what we do now. It can be a little more so that we can do even more of what we are doing now. And it may also be more than that, because then it would actually be real, truly deserved money.

We simply have to…

If we link value creation (to be seen as the most value-adding audio store) to our internal way of working, then that teaches us that we regularly have to introduce new customer-oriented concepts.

We have to, because our internal working method is completely based on the Hoshin Kanri model that is often used in the world of LEAN Six Sigma:

‘Hoshin’ is Japanese for ‘course’ or ‘compass needle’ and ‘Kanri’ means ‘manage’ or ‘control’. Translated into English, this means (roughly) ‘rolling out and managing a strategy in line with a predetermined course’. A course that is often referred to in Japanese as ‘true north’. Hoshin Kanri is a methodology that allows you to find your ‘true north’ and to shape the route to it in a structured way. A model that looks super sleek and provides super insight into what you need to do to go from your long-term objectives to your short-term objectives (the execution).

Not executing the Hoshin Kanri is like cursing in your own church. And – de facto – means not achieving your long-term goals.

What’s in it for you?

What does this mean for Audiofile? And for you?

This means that we have determined in advance exactly at what time and with what intensity we will provide you with future value additions. Which always have the same starting point:

  • The value addition has not been applied before (in the industry) and therefore has a high unique value
  • The value addition adds concrete value
  • The value addition is experienced by you as valuable

– The End (for now) –